Södra Cell Mönsterås

LUP #30303

  • Address : Nygård 402, 383 91 Mönsterås
  • Opening hours:
    Monday 06:00 - 20:00
    Tuesday 06:00 - 20:00
    Wednesday 06:00 - 20:00
    Thursday 06:00 - 20:00
    Friday 06:00 - 18:00
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
  • Contact : +46 (0) 499 15 277
map to location

Coordinates : 57.0913599, 16.5451097


Welcome to Södra Cell Mönsterås!

The reception is open Mon-Thurs 06:00-20:00 and Fri 06:00-18:00 Pulp loading is open Mon-Thurs 06:00-19:00 and Fri 06:00-16:00 Timber loading is open Mon-Thurs 06:00-19:30 and Fri 06:00-13:30

If the reception is closed, click here to check in



Drive via E22 to reach Södra Cell Mönsterås. Follow the signs "Södra Cell Mönsterås" when driving on E22. Take right at the intersection to arrive at the main gate and the reception.



Place the truck in the queue, and then go to the reception to check in. If you arrive when the reception is closed, click here to check-in



Smoking is prohibited in our entire area!

Hard hat, protective eyewear and protective shoes must always be worn.